Alexandria Chamber of Shipping
49 Al Zamakhshry Behind 5, ADH Dhahereyah WA Izbat as Safih, Qism El-Raml, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt
Behind 49 Horeya Street, 1st Floor, Alexandria, Egypt
Short Company Name:
Alexandria Chamber of Shipping
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Mostafa Kamel Street, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt 0.9 km
Kafr Abdou, Qism Sidi Gabir, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt 1.24 km
El-Nahda, Abu an Nawatir, Qism Sidi Gabir, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt 1.28 km
Arafat, Hagar an Nawateyah, Qism El-Raml, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt 1.36 km
39 Syria, Mustafa Kamel WA Bolkli, Qism Sidi Gabir, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt 1.4 km
El-Nasr, Dana Al Gadidah WA Izbat Al Westaneyah, Qism El-Raml, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt 1.56 km
El Hurrya, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt 1.6 km
El Hurrya, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt 1.6 km
El-Nasr, Qism El-Raml, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt 1.62 km