Floatel International Management AB (FIMAB)

Floatel International Management AB (FIMAB)

Johannefredsgatan, 431 53 Mölndal, Sweden
Johannefredsgatan Molndal Sweden

Floatel International Ltd. has been established to own and operate modern floating accommodation and construction support vessels

Short Company Name:
Floatel International Mgmt AB
Full Address:
Johannefredsgatan 4, SE-431 53 Molndal, Sweden.

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Gothenburg Museum of Art, Götaplatsen, 412 56 Göteborg, Sweden 5.96 km
Gothenburg Museum of Art, Götaplatsen, 412 56 Göteborg, Sweden 5.96 km
Gothenburg Museum of Art, Götaplatsen, 412 56 Göteborg, Sweden 5.96 km
Gothenburg Museum of Art, Götaplatsen, 412 56 Göteborg, Sweden 5.96 km
Gothenburg Museum of Art, Götaplatsen, 412 56 Göteborg, Sweden 5.96 km
Gothenburg Museum of Art, Götaplatsen, 412 56 Göteborg, Sweden 5.96 km
Gothenburg Museum of Art, Götaplatsen, 412 56 Göteborg, Sweden 5.96 km
Gothenburg Museum of Art, Götaplatsen, 412 56 Göteborg, Sweden 5.96 km
Gothenburg Museum of Art, Götaplatsen, 412 56 Göteborg, Sweden 5.96 km
Telemar Scandinavia AB.png
Gothenburg Museum of Art, Götaplatsen, 412 56 Göteborg, Sweden 5.96 km
Engelbrektsgatan 26, 411 37 Göteborg, Sweden 6.16 km
Berzeliigatan 14, 412 53 Göteborg, Sweden 6.19 km
Showing 37 - 48 of 297 results