According to the subject, We are CV GAYORTI TANGGUH MARINE SUPPLY, is one of the leading Indonesian General Supplier and Ship Chandler companies to serve all vessel foreign and local to go around/coming/called/transit/Berthing/Anchorage at global ports
Indonesian area, to needs looking for some equipment, and we will provide the best services for your vessel, and we will meet the needs looking at for some equipment services of your vessel, such as fast to delivery with competitive prices, and excellent quality of goods in accordance with your specifications for looking at, needed some equipment for your vessel to needed, and we command our the professional crew to deliver the goods to your vessel.
Our office in Surabaya city, West Perak, sub-district of Krembangan, East Java, Indonesian, but we catered to your vessel requests wherever maybe around/coming/called/transit/Berthing/Anchorage at the global ports in Indonesian areas.
If your vessel will be around/coming/called/transit/Berthing/Anchorage to global
ports at Indonesian areas, please do not hesitate to contact our company by email or mobile phone already available under our greetings, and we are respond you, will be happy to help you to meet in your vessel and we will served you well as professionally for a variety of services at listed below.
CV GAYORTI TANGGUNG MARINE SUPPLY offering to you Economical and
Safely Deliveries for supply :
*Supply Provision(Vegetables, Fresh fish & Dry Provision store canned food frozen meat, Indian foods, Etc).
*Supply Running Stores.
*Supply Bonded stores.
*Supply Cabin & Deck Stores(ISSA & IMPA Code).
*Supply Legal Bunker Vessels Services product FO / IFO / MFO cst 180-380, MDO / DO, MGO with position berthing / Anchorage.
*Serve Removal Sludge oil & Garbage disposal with certificate.
*Serve/Supply Lubricants & Synthetics/Lub Oil.
*Serve Vessel Repair Supply.
*Serve Drilling/Offshore Supply.
*Serve/Supply Engine & Chemicals stores(ISSA & IMPA Code).
*Serve/Supply B.A.Charts & Books publications.
*Serve/Supply technicians to Rewind electro motor of dynamo on board or we take it & Bring outside from board(Berthing/Anchorage) to be fixed in our showroom & guarantee.
*Serve/Supply Refilling cylinders bottles of Oxygen, Acytilene, Freon.
*Serve/Supply Safety Equipments.
*Serve/Supply technicians to Check it For Annual inspections of Liferaft, Fire extinguisher, EEBD,SCBA, CO2 system, Life Boat, or we take it & Bring outside from board(Berthing/Anchorage) to be fixed in our showroom with certificate approved by International classification & guarantee, Etc.
1. Ampenan, Bali, ID.
2. Ambon, Molucas, ID.
3. Anyer Kidul, ID.
4. Balongan Terminal, ID.
5. Banjarmasin, ID.
6. Biak, Irian Jaya, ID.
7. Bali, ID.
8. Bitung, Sulawesi, ID.
9. Banjuwangi, Java, ID.
10. Bengkulu, Sumatra, ID.
11. Belawan, Sumatra, ID.
12. Benoa, Bali, ID.
13. Balikpapan, Kalimantan, ID.
14. Batam (ex Batu Besar, Sekupang ), ID.
15. Banten, ID.
16. Bontang, Kl, ID.
17. Cigading, ID.
18. Ciwandan, ID.
19. Cilacap (Tjilatjap), ID.
20. Dumai, Sumatra, ID.
21. Gilimanuk, Bali, ID.
22. Gresik, Java, ID.
23. Gorontalo, Sulawesi, ID.
24. Jakarta, Java, ID.
25. Kalimantan, ID.
26. Kotabaru, ID.
27. Kendari, Sulawesi, ID.
28. Kaltim, ID.
29. Kupang, Timor, ID.
30. Kalbut Situbondo, ID.
31. Ketapang, Kl, ID.
32. Kualatanjung, ID.
33. Lawe-Lawe, Kl, ID
34. Makassar , ID.
35. Manado, ID.
36. Madura Terminal, ID.
37. Medan, Sumatra, ID.
38. Mamuju, ID.
39. Manokwari, Irian Jaya, ID.
40. Merak, Java, ID.
41. Muara Berau, ID.
42. Muara Djawa, ID.
43. Palu, ID.
44. Pasir Panjang, ID.
45. Pasuruan, Java, ID.
46. Padang, ID.
47. Pekalongan, Java, ID.
48. Pangkalanbuun, ID.
49. Palembang, Sumatra, ID.
50. Panjang, ID.
51. Pontianak, Kalimantan, ID.
52. Palapo, Sulawesi, ID.
53. Probolinggo, Java, ID.
54. Poso, Sulawesi, ID.
55. Pantoloan, Sv, ID.
56. Pomalaa, Sulawesi, ID.
57. Pulau Laut, ID.
58. Semarang, Java, ID.
59. Surabaya, ID.
60. Tanjung Pemancingan, ID, ETC.
We ready and able to serve 24 hours a day 7 days a week, We will make it you better, with our competitive prices and the quality, quantity of orders secured, and good discount to quick services.
Please do not hesitate to contact or telephone or send by email at our company CV GAYORTI TANGGUH MARINE SUPPLY, if you have for your vessels/Partnership/Brokership around/coming/called/transit/Berthing/Anchorage go to global ports at Indonesian areas any inquiries, request or Quotation order to quote needs for supply, what are you looking for the needs of vessels to Our company asf and we will reply to you as soonest.
Our company can arrange owner payment 30 days or cash by owners / on board by master or It could also be handled by Agent / Operator / Brokers depending on the order which ordered, after INVOICE you received at Office For your consideration & please see the file attachment for Our Company Profile.
We waiting & hoped for your soonest enquiry from your partnership, brokership, owners vessel, operator vessels, Etc Company, And Thank You for your kind/good attention and good cooperation, highly appreciated.
Thanking You & The Best Regards,
Jami C M Setligt | Senior Managing Director.
Company Tax Number :
Head Office Address : JL. Ikan Gurami III No.24 A, Perak Barat, Kecamatan Krembangan,
Surabaya Jawa Timur, Indonesian 60177.
Mobile Phone : +62 821 399 65 665 ( Mr. Petrus Situmorang ).
+62 856 0621 5686 ( Mr. Jami C.M Setligt ).
Telp Office : +62 31 91 224 323.
Fax Office : +62 31 32 810 55.
Email :
Our Web :
Ports Service:
All Global Ports Area Indonesian.
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