Global Seatrade CV

Global Seatrade CV

Kamvaren, 8322 Urk, Netherlands
Kamvaren Urk Netherlands

Global Seatrade repeatedly breaks away from the herd of standard designs, led by the demand of the customer and the market. It led to its building ships itself,

Short Company Name:
Global Seatrade CV
Full Address:
Kamvaren 2, 8322 CA Urk, Netherlands.

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Hartman Shipping BV.png
Rijswerker, 8322 BN Urk, Netherlands 0.33 km
Rijswerker, 8322 BN Urk, Netherlands 0.33 km
Marble Automation BV.png
Zwolsche Hoek, Keteldiep 6, 8321 MH Urk, Netherlands 0.82 km
Marsdiep, 8321 Urk, Netherlands 0.91 km
Zwolsche Hoek, Doove Balg, 8321 WE Urk, Netherlands 1.07 km
Zwolsche Hoek, Westwal 11, 8321 WG Urk, Netherlands 1.07 km
Kamperhoek, Inschot, 8321 MB Urk, Netherlands 1.08 km
Hoekman Maritiem.png
De Reede 68, 8321 DB Urk, Netherlands 1.11 km
Westwal, Urk, Netherlands 1.14 km
Showing 1 - 12 of 757 results