Independent Marine Consultants & Surveyors Germany GmbH (IMCS)

Independent Marine Consultants & Surveyors Germany GmbH (IMCS).png

Independent Marine Consultants & Surveyors Germany GmbH (IMCS)

Vogelsand 56, 27476 Cuxhaven, Germany
Vogelsand 56, 27476 Cuxhaven, Germany Cuxhaven 27476 Germany

IMCS Group of Companies is an international network of marine and cargo survey companies with highly qualified and experienced surveyors.

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Independent Marine Consultants

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Baudirektor-Hahn-Straße, 27472 Cuxhaven, Germany 4.54 km
Baudirektor-Hahn-Straße, 27472 Cuxhaven, Germany 4.54 km
Baudirektor-Hahn-Straße, 27472 Cuxhaven, Germany 4.54 km
Hebold MIXING & MORE GmbH.png
Peter-Henlein-Straße 12, 27472 Cuxhaven, Germany 4.97 km
Baudirektor-Hahn-Straße 10, 27472 Cuxhaven, Germany 5 km
Berenscher Heideweg, 27476 Cuxhaven, Germany 5.42 km
Finkenhörne, 21781 Cadenberge, Germany 28.4 km
Ginsterweg, 21781 Cadenberge, Germany 28.87 km
Am Fischereihafen, 25761 Büsum, Germany 29.69 km
Reederei H G Rahder GmbH.png
Fischerkai, 25761 Büsum, Germany 29.82 km
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